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book information

Designed by Jayme Spinks
Printed by Gaspereau Press, Nova Scotia

Published with the generous support of the Media Arts Section of the Canada Council for the Arts.

Sculpting Cinema

Sculpting Cinema brings together diverse perspectives in the form of critical writing and artists' projects, in order to examine the evolution of the cinematic language of expanded cinema as conceptualized through architecture, gallery spaces and public art projects. Edited by experimental filmmaker Solomon Nagler and independent curator Melanie Wilmink, this text brings together academics, artists, cinemaphiles and art critics in a playful use of text and images toward artistic discourse.

This publication, featuring artists and writers from across Canada, focuses on new, hybrid works that uniquely address concerns of duration and process, which conceptualize the cinema as a space to create sculpted light and time, and installation work that is embedded in the fluid duration of the gallery, of casual interactions, and mobile spectatorship.

    Chapter list:
  • Harry Vandervlist
    “Archaic ‘eye machines’ and New Ways of Seeing”
  • Melanie Wilmink
    “Light Leaks: Intermedial Aesthetics and Affective Experiences in the Situated Cinema Project”
  • Zoë Heyn-Jones
    “What Was Will Be: Secular Magic, Sculptural Cinema”
  • Carmen Victor
    “Radiant Light, Resonant Sound”
  • Tom Kohut
    “Andrew John Milne: Cinemas of the Void”
  • Collin Zipp
    “The Man Behind the Curtain”
  • Shana MacDonald
    “The Performative Politics of Shary Boyle’s Intermedial Projection Art”
  • Commission Artist Projects by Pierre Hebért, and Solomon Nagler and Angela Henderson

Purchase here: (link forthcoming)

dvd information

Cinéma Des Ruins

Les Films de Solomon Nagler

L'institut pour la coordination et la propagation des cinémas exploratoires has released a DVD collection of Solomon Nagler's films, which include:

  • perhaps/We (16mm, B&W/Colour, 11:00, 2003)
  • The Sex of Self-Hatred (16mm, B&W/Colour, 09:00, 2004)
  • Fugue Nefesh (35mm, B&W, 29:00, 2007)
  • Black Salt Water Elegy (16mm, B&W, 16:00, 2010)
  • Notes on gesture (16mm, B&W, 04:30 minutes, 2007)
  • untitled1 (prayerielandescape)
    (super8/16mm, B&W/Colour, 05:00, 2004)
  • untitled2 (the last jew of edenbridge)
    (super8/16mm, B&W/Colour, 04:30 minutes, 2002)
  • untitled3 (stone killer) (super8/16mm, B&W, 05:30, 2006)>

The DVD can be ordered here: ICPCE